

p.s. i realised i didn’t answer your question, what follows is my attempt

it’s difficult though because i’ve never been sure just how serious all of this is

i mean you spoke of substances, and poetry, and mothers…?


i can get my head around the first two, and the last two, but all three

are like a venn diagram that is stubbly and smells of beer.

when i first decided i wanted to be a poet

(it wasn’t long ago/ not as long as you’d think)

i thought, if only i can be a poet maybe i won’t need

mothers, and substances, and stances


but when i was shrieked at ‘you don’t want to be a

poet; you’re just too lazy to get on T.V.!!’ i thought

about it a lot because it was partly true and

partly true and partly true and partly true and partly true

but i like sonnets and so, it seems, do you.


sound is material is | Ian Tomlinson

PDF (28KB)

Audio (MP3, 48 sec, 752KB)

Copies of the poems sound is material is and Ian Tomlinson by David Grundy were originally made available at the Openned night of May 2009. Here is a PDF copy of both poems and a performance of sound is material is in audio format.


Steel Worm Incursions